ASP.NET MVC 4 Custom Validation for CIDR Subnet

I recently worked on a rWhois project that required writing an ASP.NET MVC 4 based admin portal. One of the last things I tackled was adding validation to inputs. Adding validation to a MVC model is super-simple with Data Annotations. By adding these annotations to your model, both client and server-side validation comes to life. There’s a great tutorial describing how to accomplish this on the site:

The in-box DataAnnotations class provides numerous built-in validation attributes that can be applied to any property. Things like strings of specific length, or integers within a range, or even regex matching is supported using the built-in validation attributes – and they are automatically wired up when you use Visual Studio to add views with scaffolding. But what about when the built-in attributes don’t quite do what you need?

I needed to create validation that confirms the input is both in proper CIDR format (ie. and not “some text”) and that the supplied CIDR subnet is valid (ie. is a proper network/bitmask, but is not). Validating that the input is in the proper format can easily be done with regex. Just add the following to annotation to the appropriate property on your model:

[RegularExpression(@"^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(\d|[1-2]\d|3[0-2]))$", ErrorMessage="Not valid CIDR format")]

To check that the supplied input is a valid network/bitmask CIDR combination, I needed custom validation. You can easily extend the ValidationAttribute and implement IClientValidatable to add your custom validation. First, you’ll want to create a new class and reference the DataAnnotations and Mvc namespaces:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace MvcApplication1.Validation
    public class CIDRSubnet : ValidationAttribute, IClientValidatable

Next, we’ll want to create the appropriate server-side validation by overriding the ValidationResult class and adding the CIDR subnet check:

    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
        //validate that valus is valid cdir
        string[] cidr = ((string)value).Split(new char[] { '/' });
        string[] ip = cidr[0].Split(new char[] { '.' });
        int i = (Convert.ToInt32(ip[0]) << 24) | (Convert.ToInt32(ip[1]) << 16) | (Convert.ToInt32(ip[2]) << 8) | (Convert.ToInt32(ip[3]));
        int mask = Convert.ToInt32(cidr[1]) == 0 ? 0 : ~((1 << (32-29)) - 1);
        int network = i & mask;
        if (i != network) return new ValidationResult("Not a valid CIDR Subnet");
        return ValidationResult.Success;

Now we want to create our client side validation function. Create a new javascript file and make sure it’s referenced in your View:

function ipv4checker(input) {
    //confirm cidr is valid network
    var cidr = input.split('/');
    var base = cidr[0];
    var bits = cidr[1];
    var ip = base.split('.');
    var i = (ip[0] << 24 | ip[1] << 16 | ip[2] << 8 | ip[3]);
    var mask = bits == 0 ? 0 : ((1 << (32 - bits)) - 1) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
    var network = i & mask;
    if (i == network) { return true; }
    else { return false; }

Assuming jquery and jquery unobtrusive validation libraries have already been added to your project, you can then add a method to the validator, and wire it up. I’m not passing any parameters here, but you could also include parameters:

//custom vlidation rule - check IPv4
    function (value, element, param) {
    return ipv4checker(value);
//wire up the unobtrusive validation
    ("checkcidr", function (options) {
        options.rules["checkcidr"] = true;
        options.messages["checkcidr"] = options.message;

Then, you’ll need to implement the GetClientValidationRules method in your custom validation class:

    public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
        ModelClientValidationRule rule = new ModelClientValidationRule();
        rule.ValidationType = "checkcidr";
        rule.ErrorMessage = "Not a valid CIDR Subnet";
        return new List<ModelClientValidationRule> { rule };

Lastly, add a reference to your custom validation class in the model and add the custom validation attribute to your property:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using MvcApplication1.Validation;
namespace MvcApplication1.Models
    public class Allocation
        [RegularExpression(@"^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(\d|[1-2]\d|3[0-2]))$", ErrorMessage="Not valid CIDR format")]
        [CIDRSubnet(ErrorMessage="Not a valid CIDR Subnet")]
        public string IPNetwork { get; set; }

Microsoft Service Management Portal User Account Password cannot be reset

We’ve been working with Microsoft for quite some time on their Windows Azure for Windows Server project. Microsoft is bringing Azure technology to their Server platform for hosters to take advantage of. The environment consists of a portal and several providers. The portal uses standard ASP.NET membership for users.

Recently, we had a user who forgot his password. After enabling password reset functionality in the portal, the user received an email containing a link to reset the password, but encountered an error when trying to perform the reset. The following error was logged on the portal server:

Error:MembershipPasswordException: The user account has been locked out.

The aspnet_Membership table in Microsoft.MgmtSvc.PortalConfigStore contains an IsLockedOut field. The value was set to 1 for this user because of the number of incorrect login attempts. Setting it back to 0 allowed the user to update his password:

USE Microsoft.MgmtSvc.PortalConfigStore
UPDATE aspnet_Membership
SET IsLockedOut = 0
WHERE email = ''


Windows Server 2008 Firewall Block rule prevents RPC communication

Recently opened a PSS case regarding on issue we discovered with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security on Server 2008 SP2. As a web host, we have many customer web servers with various ports open to the Internet. From time to time, nefarious users will test the server’s security. Part of the standard response is to block all access to the server from the offending IP. This is realized by creating a Windows Firewall with Advanced Security rule that blocks traffic on all ports, for all services with the remote IP scope set to the IP in question.

The problem was uncovered when we noticed backups were failing. The backup program in use leverages a dynamic RPC endpoint for communication, and with the block rule in place, the communication between the customer’s server and the backup server was failing – even though the scope of the block rule was configured to use only the attacker’s IP address. Furthermore, there was a rule specifically allowing communication from the backup server’s on the dynamic RPC endpoint.

Block Rule:

Rule Name: Block Hacker
Enabled: Yes
Direction: In
Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP: Any
Protocol: Any
Edge traversal: No
Action: Block

Backup server rule:

Rule Name: Allow Backups
Enabled: Yes
Direction: In
Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP: Any
Protocol: TCP
LocalPort: RPC
RemotePort: Any
Edge traversal: No
Action: Allow

According to PSS, this is a known issue with Server 2008 SP2. It was fixed in 2008 R2 but this apparently will not be fixed in Server 2008. Luckily, there is a workaround. By creating a rule with action of Secure and allowing it to override block rules and selecting the computer account of the server in question, we can ensure proper communication:

Rule Name: Fix Server 2008 firewall bug
Enabled: Yes
Direction: In
Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP: Any
RemoteIP: Any
Protocol: TCP
LocalPort: RPC
RemotePort: Any
Edge traversal: No
InterfaceTypes: Any
RemoteComputerGroup: D:(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-2041841331-1236329097-1724550537-522200)
Security: Authenticate
Action: Bypass

The reason this works has to do with the order in which Windows Firewall applies rules – that process is described in detail here: This also seems to be the reason the communication is blocked – block rules are processed before allow rules and rules with broader scope before those with a more narrow scope.

Cannot find Newtonsoft.Json error when deploying

We recently revamped our source control, continuous integration, and bug tracking solution at OrcsWeb to take advantage of Git. Part of the solution includes a build server that automatically runs tests against projects and, assuming they pass, packages the and deploys the application using Web Deploy. Several of the projects typically include NuGet packages, and a new feature of NuGet (as of 1.6 & 2.0) allows you to exclude these NuGet packages when committing to source control. By enabling package restore, NuGet will automatically download any packages from packages.config on any system where they’re missing.

After uploading a new MVC 4 project that was using this NuGet Package Restore functionality, I was receiving the YSOD that “Could not load file or assembly ‘Newtonsoft.Jason, Version=′”. I confirmed that NuGet was downloading the packages on the build server, but for some reason it wasn’t being included in the deployment. BlackSpy’s solution for the Newtonsoft.Json error on fixed the issue for me as well.

I removed the entry for Newtonsoft.Json version 4.5.6 from packages.config, saved and built the project, then re-added Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.11 from NuGet and committed the changes. The build server picked up the updates, downloaded the missing package, and deployed it to the server.