It’s been quite some time since this device was released.
I picked one up back in 2003 and it has been a little work-horse ever since. I love the fact it comes with a remote with a screen that you can use to flip through albums and songs. Unfortunately, it was discontinued before it’s time. Information is scarce out there about it, but here’s a couple of tricks in case you still have yours or pick up a used one on ebay.
First, upgrade to the latest firmware. This is an unreleased version that was posted by a Creative tech in the forums.
Second, you can run the Music Server as a service using srvany. Call the service “SBWMSvr” when installing it. You will need to add an additional string value under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SBWMSvr\Parameters called AppDirectory pointing to “C:\Program Files\Creative\Shared Files” and set the service to run as an adminsitrative account in order for it to work. This eliminates the need for you to login to the system runing the application (ie. if you have a home server). Be sure to remove the link from your startup menu.