Read & Write .NET machine key with Powershell

We’re putting together webfarms all the time at OrcsWeb, and one of the cardinal rules with webfarms is that all systems need to have matching settings. To help automate this process, I put together a quick Powershell script that will read/write the machine key to the root machine.config files for all versions of the .NET framework.


# Machine Key Script
# Version 1.0
# 6/5/2012
# Jeff Graves
param ($readWrite = "read", $allkeys = $true, $version, $validationKey, $decryptionkey, $validation)
function GenKey ([int] $keylen) {
	$buff = new-object "System.Byte[]" $keylen
	$rnd = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
	$result =""
	for($i=0; $i -lt $keylen; $i++)	{
		$result += [System.String]::Format("{0:X2}",$buff[$i])
function SetKey ([string] $version, [string] $validationKey, [string] $decryptionKey, [string] $validation) {
    write-host "Setting machineKey for $version"
    $currentDate = (get-date).tostring("mm_dd_yyyy-hh_mm_s") # month_day_year - hours_mins_seconds
    $machineConfig = $netfx[$version]
    if (Test-Path $machineConfig) {
        $xml = [xml](get-content $machineConfig)
        $xml.Save($machineConfig + "_$currentDate")
        $root = $xml.get_DocumentElement()
        $system_web = $root."system.web"
        if ($system_web.machineKey -eq $nul) { 
        	$machineKey = $xml.CreateElement("machineKey") 
        	$a = $system_web.AppendChild($machineKey)
        $a = $xml.Save($machineConfig)
    else { write-host "$version is not installed on this machine" -fore yellow }
function GetKey ([string] $version) { 
    write-host "Getting machineKey for $version"
    $machineConfig = $netfx[$version]
    if (Test-Path $machineConfig) { 
        $machineConfig = $netfx.Get_Item($version)
        $xml = [xml](get-content $machineConfig)
        $root = $xml.get_DocumentElement()
        $system_web = $root."system.web"
        if ($system_web.machineKey -eq $nul) { 
        	write-host "machineKey is null for $version" -fore red
        else {
            write-host "Validation Key: $($system_web.SelectSingleNode("machineKey").GetAttribute("validationKey"))" -fore green
    	    write-host "Decryption Key: $($system_web.SelectSingleNode("machineKey").GetAttribute("decryptionKey"))" -fore green
            write-host "Validation: $($system_web.SelectSingleNode("machineKey").GetAttribute("validation"))" -fore green
    else { write-host "$version is not installed on this machine" -fore yellow }
$global:netfx = @{"1.1x86" = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CONFIG\machine.config"; `
           "2.0x86" = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config"; `
           "4.0x86" = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\machine.config"; `
           "2.0x64" = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config"; `
           "4.0x64" = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\machine.config"}
    while(!$version) {
        $input = read-host "Version (1.1x86, 2.0x86, 4.0x86, 2.0x64, 4.0x64)"
        if ($netfx.ContainsKey($input)) { $version = $input }
if ($readWrite -eq "read")
    if($allkeys) {
        foreach ($key in $netfx.Keys) { GetKey -version $key }
    else {
        GetKey -version $version
elseif ($readWrite -eq "write")
    if (!$validationkey) {
    	$validationkey = GenKey -keylen 64
    	write-host "Validation Key: $validationKey" -fore green
    if (!$decryptionkey) {
    	$decryptionKey = GenKey -keylen 24
    	write-host "Decryption Key: $decryptionKey" -fore green
    if (!$validation) {
    	$validation = "SHA1"
    	write-host "Validation: $validation" -fore green
    if($allkeys) {
        foreach ($key in $netfx.Keys) { SetKey -version $key -validationkey $validationkey -decryptionKey $decryptionKey -validation $validation}
    else {
        SetKey -version $version -validationkey $validationkey -decryptionKey $decryptionKey -validation $validation


6 thoughts on “Read & Write .NET machine key with Powershell

  1. Pingback: MachineKey Sync Script for Windows Server Web Farms | Ponderings - Various Topical Thoughts by Brad Kingsley

  2. Nice script Jeff. I needed to write a similar tool today and your script was exactly what I needed to get a big head start.

  3. I’m sure this is a terrific script but I lack the powershell knowledge of how to actually use it. Do I just run it on each server in the farm?

  4. Pingback: Modify machine.config (config files) using Powershell « El TecnoBaúl de Kiquenet

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